St. Peter's United Church of Christ
Faith, Fellowship and Service
Worship with us every Sunday at 10:00 am
Email us at stpetersws@gmail.com
We have so many fun and fascinating events here at St. Peter's. We are a very active community. Take a look!
Worship Service at 10:00AM.
First Sunday of every month, during morning worship. All who follow Jesus are invited to join at his table.
Fellowship Hour
Third Sunday of every month, after worship.
Bring in your food donations on Sunday or during Church Office hours. Donations can be placed in the barrel in the glass vestibule. We are trying to expand our efforts even more this year.
Food Pantry
Join us for the following events!
Sunday, February 16
10:00 am WORSHIP
Tuesday, February 18
7:30 pm Council Meeting
Wednesday, February 19
7:00 pm Angels of Light Healing Service
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Sign up for our eNews:
Saturday, October 16

10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Back by popular demand is the Popcorn Sale at St. Peter's UCC. WNY Fun Food will set up an outdoor tent in the church's parking lot, where they will sell fresh-made popcorn in many delicious flavors including kettle corn, caramel, cheddar cheese, hot buffalo wing, Bills red and blue caramel corn, chocolate drizzled, plus other sweet treats, including sponge candy.

There is a small group that continues to gather at Denny’s in Orchard Park, for sharing in our faith, food, and fun every other Thursday at 3:30 pm.
Pastor Paula announces each Sunday before that gathering that we are meeting and can be contacted if you have questions about which week.
Please know that anyone is invited and that there is always good conversation, sharing, and laughter. We order off the menu and everyone pays for their own items.