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Your Help is Always Needed! 

Whether it's here at St. Peter's, in our local community, or in our greater world community, there is always something you can do to help.


FOOD DONATIONS:  The Mission Committee has a food pantry that is open to anyone in our community.  Donations of non-perishable food items are always appreciated.  There are special donations several times throughout the year when perishable food items are accepted as the committee supplies holiday dinners to deserving families at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.  Contact St. Peter's if you would like to donate or are in need of food.

CLOTHING DONATIONS:  The Mission Committee collects clothing throughout the year for several purposes.  We have an ongoing support relationship with one special family in West Seneca that is always looking for clothing for children ages 10-14.  In February of each year, we carry out our "Warming Buffalo's Homeleess" project where we take warm food and clothing directly to those in need out on the streets of Buffalo.  For this project, we need MEN'S coats, jackets, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves and socks.  All other clothing should be put in plastic bags, tied securely and deposited in the clothing shed in the front parking lot.  If you have a lot of clothing you would like to donate, please call and we will make arrangements to pick it up.

JOIN A COMMITTEE:  There are several committees that are always looking for help.  The Mission Committee performs works of service at the church, in our community, and in the world.  The New Member Task Force runs programs to continue attracting visitors to St. Peter's.  

TOPS GIFT CARDS:  If you're a Tops Shopper or know someone who is, please consider purchasing Tops Gift Cards through St. Peter's.  They are available in several denominations and St. Peter's receives a percentage from each sale.  If you're shopping at Tops anyway or looking for a great gift idea, this is an easy way to help support our church!


JERICHO ROAD MINISTRIES (  Provides medical, educational and resettlement support to refugees from around the world.  Volunteer help or monetary donations are always appreciated.  Jericho Road Ministries, 184 Barton St., Buffalo NY  14213 

PLYMOUTH CROSSROADS RESIDENCE IS OPEN:  The Board of Directors of the United Church Home Society, Inc. has secured a home in Lancaster for abused and homeless youth in need of long-term housing.  The United Church Home operates the program on behalf of the Society which is the sponsoring organization.  Plymouth Crossroads serves between 35-40 male youth and young adults annually, ages 16 to 20, from throughout Western New York.  The residence houses up to eight youths at any given time in a home environment.  Average length of stay in transitional housing is 6-12 months and varies with each individual.  A thorough initial assessment is completed for each individual prior to entry.  Youth in this program do not have a history of severe drug or alcohol addiction, or have a history of violence, aggression, or severe mental illness.  The Plymouth Crossroads Transitional Residential Living Program provides safe shelter and empowers young people to develop independent, healthy paths to their future by offering them the tools they need to be self-supportive and avoid long-term dependency on social services.  To donate, contact 508-2108.



NY/HELP:  Support the work of this organization in the poorest mountain towns of Honduras.  Mission trips travel there twice a year.  You can join a trip or provide financial support.

HEIFER INTERNATIONAL (  This organization provides animals, education and support to people in need around the world.  Visit their web site to learn more or find ways you can help.  Coming soon:  "The Most Important Gift Catalog" in the world.  Filled with unique and meaningful gifts that are available only from Heifer International, this catalog has something for everyone.  Heifer gifts are the perfect way to show your friends, family and co-workers just how much you care.  There are also local representatives willing to speak to community groups about the work of Heifer. 

JERICHO ROAD MEDICAL MISSION PROJECT IN SIERRA LEONE:  Jericho Road Ministries is embarking on a special mission project to improve medical services in this war-ravaged country.  Their goal is to get damaged medical clinics up and running again with the proper equipment and train local personnel to staff them.  They also hope to equip and run a mobile medical clinic that will travel to those villages without existing care.  Medical support and monetary donations are appreciated. Financial donations and prayers are needed to support the work of medical missionary, Phebian Abdulai.

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